Cruising Tips

Friday, August 3, 2007

Mackarel Cove at Swans Island

After saying our goodbyes, we headed out for Mackarel Cove. It was very warm and sunny with a good wind once again out of the southwest. As we cleared the harbor, we hoisted sail and saw a boat pass our bow. Once we got underway we noticed that he could not point as well as us (he had a center cockpit) and he faded away leeward as we pulled ahead. We maintained our headed through the bridge until the wind died for about a mile before starting up again. Close hauled, we resumed our sail, dodging lobster pots as always. To add to the fun, the fog rolled in once we cleared Eggemoggin Reach and the lobster pots increased in frequency! Ann maintained lobster pot watch on the leeward side and with the radar and fog signals going, we sailed on. We didn't drop sail again until halfway through the passage into Mackarel Cove. We dropped anchor and felt secure for the night.This has become one of our favorite anchorages. It's very well protected from the north to the southeast and it's big enough so it's never crowded.

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