Cruising Tips

Thursday, July 5, 2007

Layover Day in Cuttyhunk

The wind blew and then it blew some more. Small craft advisories were issued for today and tomorrow with gusts to 30 kts so we spent the day in Cuttyhunk and consoled ourselves with fresh swordfish from the Lobster Lady. The temperature never reached 70 all day, no sun, no joy, but then I don't have to go to work tomorrow... (anymore) We may very well spend another day on the mooring tomorrow but Saturday looks like a good travel day. We have a 50 mile cruise to reach PTown through the Cape Cod Canal.


  1. Dear Grandpa and Nana,
    I would like to ride on the green Fleetwing next time,please.
    I Love you , Sarah Beth
    HI Nana And Grandpa,
    I hope you have a good sailing ahead.How is the Fleetwing doing?Sorry I haven't writen in a few days.How does swordfish taste?While home i've been riding my bike alot,watching t.v. and building lego's down stairs.
    I have a webkins,It's a verticul pet,Mom likes it cause there is no mess from's a boy basset hound.
    yours truely ,Matthew

  2. Sarah, a place is specially reserved for you on Fleetwing!

    Matthew, your new pet sounds like a good one for the boat. We're all looking forward to your next visit!

    Love, Grandpa
