Cruising Tips

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Stonington - At anchor

Sarah's with us again!
ahoy there is me sarah! i am back on the boat,i have waked up and matt we started to clean the table   for brekfast when nana and grandpa walked hoolie by the shore.we set the table and when nana and grandpa were back we had brekfast,we had cereal and bagles.then went to go sailing to stoneingtin when we were going to stoneingtin i made bracelets for nana matt,he had two,and one for me.afther we anchored  we went to go get ice we docked the dink and walk through the town and tried to find ice but we could not find any so dock in a different place and got ice.when we got back grandpa made icys!then went swiming on the back of the boat i did the cannon ball and nana and grandpa walk hoolie when we did the dishes!now going to watch a movie any which way you can!

I think Sarah is having fun again! She appears recovered from her great disappointment of having to leave for a doctor visit on Monday. Well, another day of motoring! The winds were only around 5 kts, not much to sail with. It was a beautiful day with blue skies, temps around 80 and dry, just no wind. The anchorage at Stonington is marked by buoys in the corners - it's just for anchored boats, no moorings. It's a great improvement over a few years ago when you had to find space somehow in amongst the moorings or anchor far outside by the channel. Now you can anchor in a relatively protected area closer in behind the breakwater but it's still subject to rolling from passing boats in the channel, just not as bad as before.

Stonington is a working harbor with large fishing boats - still pretty 
There's a free dinghy dock courtesy of the town of Stonington which is perfect for a walk through town. After a trip for ice, we returned to the boat for dinner and a movie - it's kiddie time as Sarah cuddles with Ann and Matt's on the bench. Thursday we're headed to Block Island but we don't expect any wind then either, someday there's be wind, we hope.

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