Cruising Tips

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Key West – Don and Liz Bunch arrive

Party Cat - seems to be packed everynight
It’s interesting just sitting on the back of the boat watching the world go by. There is a parade of dinks coming and going and we’ve come to recognize the ones anchored out by the island in the bay. You wonder if some of the dinks will ever make it home. So far they’ve all come back. There’s the high speed shuttle to and from the Dry Tortugas and the island shuttle to the mainland that are located on the other side of the harbor. I wouldn’t want to be any closer to either, they make a racket when coming and leaving.

On the other side of us is the Party Cat which leaves with great fanfare around 5:00 and returns after dark with the music blaring. Then there’s the innumerable smaller fishing charters, the ones that work the “flats”. Our immediate neighbors are sailboats that are also for charter. One bigger than us but two smaller. They all seem to be busy. The larger of the sailboats will back into the slip but he starts backing up several hundred feet away before he enters the freeway to the docks. With that strategy he has a good head of steam resulting in a well controllable boat with good steerage. It’s obvious he’s done it many times.
Beautiful to look at - watch out for allergies

Tonight we ate at Alonzo’s Oyster Bar by the A&B Marina. Between 4:00 and 6:30 pm they offer half price on their appetizers and drinks. So we just had a sampling of several appetizers and drinks for dinner, a very reasonable $25 per couple. The appetizers are quite large and enough for us with the plus that you get to sample a variety of tastes. We set the appetizers down in the middle of the table and we all sampled.

We may be moving on at the end of February after all. We had thought about staying through the first week of March but there are a lot of things blooming around here causing some allergies to act up. The many flowers are beautiful but it may be too much of a good thing.

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